InstructionAmerta [] multi [] AppPendaftaranInbound {"ng-if":"model.step=='confirm' && params.type=='amerta'"}
  1. This Application Form is to be fully completed based on the required format.
  2. Please indicate 'NA' if an item is not applicable.
  3. The Application form consists of 6 sections, namely:
    • Personal Information
    • Particulars of Next-of-Kin
    • Educational Qualifications
    • Character Reference
    • Details of The Contact Person at Home University
    • Choice of Subjects

Please upload Required Supporting Documents to this application form, such as:
  1. A copy of Passport (colored front page) / Official ID / Student Card
  2. Most recent passport size photo (red/blue/white background)
  3. Official academic transcript in English (issued by the applicant's home institution)
  4. One (1) Professional Letter of Recommendation signed by the referee (Preferably from a Professor, Invalid if recommendations are made by family members or friends)
  5. Scanned English Proficiency Certificate
  6. CV
  7. Motivation Letter

This application will only be processed if applicants have sent all required supporting documents.
Should there be any other inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our email:
int.development@global.unair.ac.id OK
InstructionAmertaUnair [] multi [] AppPendaftaranInbound {"ng-if":"model.step=='confirm' && params.type=='amerta-ua'"}
  1. This Application Form is to be fully completed based on the required format.
  2. Please indicate 'NA' if an item is not applicable.
  3. The Application form consists of 3 sections, namely:
    • Personal Information
    • Educational Qualifications
    • Choice of Subjects

Please upload Required Supporting Documents to this application form, such as:
  1. Student Card
  2. Most recent passport size photo (red/blue/white background)
  3. Official academic transcript in English
  4. Scanned English Proficiency Certificate
  5. CV
  6. Motivation Letter

This application will only be processed if applicants have sent all required supporting documents.
Should there be any other inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our email:
inbound@global.unair.co.id OK
InstructionLingua [] multi [] AppPendaftaranInbound {"ng-if":"model.step=='confirm' && params.type=='lingua'"}
  1. This Application Form is to be fully completed based on the required format.
  2. Please indicate 'NA' if an item is not applicable.
  3. The Application form consists of 5 sections, namely:
    • Personal Information
    • Particulars of Next-of-Kin
    • Educational Qualifications
    • Details of The Contact Person at Home University
    • Choice of Subjects

Please upload Required Supporting Documents to this application form, such as:
  1. A copy of Passport (colored front page) / Official ID / Student Card
  2. Most recent passport size photo (red/blue/white background)
  3. Official academic transcript in English (issued by the applicant's home institution)
  4. Scanned English Proficiency Certificate
  5. CV
  6. Motivation Letter

This application will only be processed if applicants have sent all required supporting documents.
Should there be any other inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our email:
int.development@global.unair.ac.id OK
AmertaPreform [] multi [] AppPendaftaranInbound {"ng-if":"model.step=='pre' && (params.type=='amerta' || params.type=='amerta-ua')"}

email app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranPreform [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
secondary_email app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranPreform [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
selected_program No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranPreform first N N {"AMERTA":"AMERTA","AMERTA MASTER":"AMERTA MASTER"}
{{ errors[name][0]}}
mobility No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranPreform first N N {"vm":"Virtual Mobility","pm":"Physical Mobility"}
{{ errors[name][0]}}
Students who have a plan to apply for one academic year (2 semesters) need to re-submit the application for the next semester
AmertaForm [] multi [] AppPendaftaranInbound {"ng-if":"model.step=='register' && (params.type=='amerta' || params.type=='amerta-ua')"}
Personal Information
personal [] multi [] PendaftaranAmerta []
fullname app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
firstname app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
lastname app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
sex No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo first N N {"F":"Female","M":"Male","N":"Prefer Not to Say"}
{{ errors[name][0]}}
pob app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
dob PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo date Yes {"show-weeks":"false"}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
nationality app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
passport_number app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
passport_date_issue PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo date Yes {"show-weeks":"false"}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
passport_date_exp PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo date Yes {"show-weeks":"false"}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
issuing_authority app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
telephone app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
phone app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPersionalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
Particulars of Next-of-Kin
(OFFLINE PROGRAM ONLY) In case of emergency, we will contact the person mentioned below.

kin [] multi [] PendaftaranAmerta []
kin_name app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaKin [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
kin_relation app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaKin [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
kin_email app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaKin [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
kin_telephone app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaKin [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
kin_phone app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaKin [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
Educational Qualification
education [] multi [] PendaftaranAmerta []
university app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
university No -- NONE -- 4485 No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaEducation [] app.models.MUniversity [{"value":"Bristol University","label":"Bristol University"},{"value":"Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City","label":"Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City"},{"value":"National Taiwan University (NTU)","label":"National Taiwan University (NTU)"},{"value":"National University of Singapore (NUS)","label":"National University of Singapore (NUS)"},{"value":"Universiti Putra Malaysia\u00a0(UPM)","label":"Universiti Putra Malaysia\u00a0(UPM)"},{"value":"Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)","label":"Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)"},{"value":"The University of Tokyo","label":"The University of Tokyo"},{"value":"D.A.V College Muzaffarnagar","label":"D.A.V College Muzaffarnagar"},{"value":"Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)","label":"Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)"},{"value":"University of Oxford","label":"University of Oxford"},{"value":"Stanford University","label":"Stanford University"},{"value":"Osaka University","label":"Osaka University"},{"value":"Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University","label":"Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University"},{"value":"Keio University","label":"Keio University"},{"value":"Hiroshima University","label":"Hiroshima University"},{"value":"University of Southern Denmark","label":"University of Southern Denmark"},{"value":"Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia","label":"Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia"},{"value":"Beni-Suef University","label":"Beni-Suef University"},{"value":"Durham University","label":"Durham University"},{"value":"University of Colombo","label":"University of Colombo"},{"value":"Curtin University of Technology","label":"Curtin University of Technology"},{"value":"Queensland University of Technology","label":"Queensland University of Technology"},{"value":"University of Queensland","label":"University of Queensland"},{"value":"International Medical University Malaysia","label":"International Medical University Malaysia"},{"value":"Kagoshima University","label":"Kagoshima University"}] [] No name
{{ errors[name][0] }}
major app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
gpa app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
year_entry PendaftaranAmertaEducation monthyear Yes {"show-weeks":"false"}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
native app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
english_score app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
field_of_study app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
Educational Qualification
educationUA [] multi [] PendaftaranAmerta []
faculty app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaUAEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
major app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaUAEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
gpa app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaUAEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
year_entry PendaftaranAmertaUAEducation monthyear Yes {"show-weeks":"false"}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
nim app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaUAEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
english_score app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaUAEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
Character Reference
Please submit 1 professional or college reference and provide a letter of recommendation from each referee

reference [] multi [] PendaftaranAmerta []
referee_name app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaReference [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
referee_organization app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaReference [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
referee_relation app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaReference [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
referee_email app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaReference [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
Details of The Contact Person at Home University
pic [] multi [] PendaftaranAmerta []
pic_name app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPic [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
pic_position app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPic [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
pic_email app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPic [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
pic_telephone app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAmertaPic [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
Choice of Subjects
subject [] multi [] PendaftaranAmerta []
course1 No -- NONE -- 495 No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranChoice [] app.models.AgeAmertaMatkul [{"value":"SOH222","label":"SOH222 - Society, Culture and Politics of Russia"},{"value":"SOK 405","label":"SOK 405 - Media and Consumer Culture"},{"value":"SOH221","label":"SOH221 - Society, Culture and Politics of the United States of America"},{"value":"KHT103","label":"KHT103 - Reproductive Physiology and Technology"},{"value":"PSC311","label":"PSC311 - Stress Management"},{"value":"HKD 101","label":"HKD 101 - Introduction to Indonesian Law"},{"value":"SOK266","label":"SOK266 - Media and Migration"},{"value":"HKN 101","label":"HKN 101 - Constitutional Law"},{"value":"HKT 103","label":"HKT 103 - Islamic Law"},{"value":"HKT 200","label":"HKT 200 - Law of Obligations"},{"value":"HKI 306","label":"HKI 306 - International Humanitarian Law"},{"value":"HKI 308","label":"HKI 308 - Drafting on International Treaty"},{"value":"HKT 206","label":"HKT 206 - Inheritance Law (Adat, Islam, Burgerlijk Wetboek)"},{"value":"HKP 203","label":"HKP 203 - Crime Against Life and Property"},{"value":"KHB401","label":"KHB401 - General Veterinary Surgery Science"},{"value":"HKI 409","label":"HKI 409 - Nuclear Law"},{"value":"HKI 417","label":"HKI 417 - Air and Space Law"},{"value":"HKD107","label":"HKD107 - Introduction to Jurisprudence"},{"value":"HKI101","label":"HKI101 - International Law"},{"value":"BAE315","label":"BAE315 - Pop Culture"},{"value":"LIE405","label":"LIE405 - Language and Urban Society"},{"value":"BUK204","label":"BUK204 - Southeast Asian Studies"},{"value":"LIE402","label":"LIE402 - Computer-Assisted Language Learning"},{"value":"FLI202","label":"FLI202 - Archipelago Islamic Script"},{"value":"SSI307","label":"SSI307 - Prose Writing"}] {":t":"js: params.id_period"} No code
{{ errors[name][0] }}
course2 No -- NONE -- 495 No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranChoice [] app.models.AgeAmertaMatkul [{"value":"SOH222","label":"SOH222 - Society, Culture and Politics of Russia"},{"value":"SOK 405","label":"SOK 405 - Media and Consumer Culture"},{"value":"SOH221","label":"SOH221 - Society, Culture and Politics of the United States of America"},{"value":"KHT103","label":"KHT103 - Reproductive Physiology and Technology"},{"value":"PSC311","label":"PSC311 - Stress Management"},{"value":"HKD 101","label":"HKD 101 - Introduction to Indonesian Law"},{"value":"SOK266","label":"SOK266 - Media and Migration"},{"value":"HKN 101","label":"HKN 101 - Constitutional Law"},{"value":"HKT 103","label":"HKT 103 - Islamic Law"},{"value":"HKT 200","label":"HKT 200 - Law of Obligations"},{"value":"HKI 306","label":"HKI 306 - International Humanitarian Law"},{"value":"HKI 308","label":"HKI 308 - Drafting on International Treaty"},{"value":"HKT 206","label":"HKT 206 - Inheritance Law (Adat, Islam, Burgerlijk Wetboek)"},{"value":"HKP 203","label":"HKP 203 - Crime Against Life and Property"},{"value":"KHB401","label":"KHB401 - General Veterinary Surgery Science"},{"value":"HKI 409","label":"HKI 409 - Nuclear Law"},{"value":"HKI 417","label":"HKI 417 - Air and Space Law"},{"value":"HKD107","label":"HKD107 - Introduction to Jurisprudence"},{"value":"HKI101","label":"HKI101 - International Law"},{"value":"BAE315","label":"BAE315 - Pop Culture"},{"value":"LIE405","label":"LIE405 - Language and Urban Society"},{"value":"BUK204","label":"BUK204 - Southeast Asian Studies"},{"value":"LIE402","label":"LIE402 - Computer-Assisted Language Learning"},{"value":"FLI202","label":"FLI202 - Archipelago Islamic Script"},{"value":"SSI307","label":"SSI307 - Prose Writing"}] {":t":"js: params.id_period"} No code
{{ errors[name][0] }}
course3 No -- NONE -- 495 No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranChoice [] app.models.AgeAmertaMatkul [{"value":"SOH222","label":"SOH222 - Society, Culture and Politics of Russia"},{"value":"SOK 405","label":"SOK 405 - Media and Consumer Culture"},{"value":"SOH221","label":"SOH221 - Society, Culture and Politics of the United States of America"},{"value":"KHT103","label":"KHT103 - Reproductive Physiology and Technology"},{"value":"PSC311","label":"PSC311 - Stress Management"},{"value":"HKD 101","label":"HKD 101 - Introduction to Indonesian Law"},{"value":"SOK266","label":"SOK266 - Media and Migration"},{"value":"HKN 101","label":"HKN 101 - Constitutional Law"},{"value":"HKT 103","label":"HKT 103 - Islamic Law"},{"value":"HKT 200","label":"HKT 200 - Law of Obligations"},{"value":"HKI 306","label":"HKI 306 - International Humanitarian Law"},{"value":"HKI 308","label":"HKI 308 - Drafting on International Treaty"},{"value":"HKT 206","label":"HKT 206 - Inheritance Law (Adat, Islam, Burgerlijk Wetboek)"},{"value":"HKP 203","label":"HKP 203 - Crime Against Life and Property"},{"value":"KHB401","label":"KHB401 - General Veterinary Surgery Science"},{"value":"HKI 409","label":"HKI 409 - Nuclear Law"},{"value":"HKI 417","label":"HKI 417 - Air and Space Law"},{"value":"HKD107","label":"HKD107 - Introduction to Jurisprudence"},{"value":"HKI101","label":"HKI101 - International Law"},{"value":"BAE315","label":"BAE315 - Pop Culture"},{"value":"LIE405","label":"LIE405 - Language and Urban Society"},{"value":"BUK204","label":"BUK204 - Southeast Asian Studies"},{"value":"LIE402","label":"LIE402 - Computer-Assisted Language Learning"},{"value":"FLI202","label":"FLI202 - Archipelago Islamic Script"},{"value":"SSI307","label":"SSI307 - Prose Writing"}] {":t":"js: params.id_period"} No code
{{ errors[name][0] }}
course4 No -- NONE -- 495 No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranChoice [] app.models.AgeAmertaMatkul [{"value":"SOH222","label":"SOH222 - Society, Culture and Politics of Russia"},{"value":"SOK 405","label":"SOK 405 - Media and Consumer Culture"},{"value":"SOH221","label":"SOH221 - Society, Culture and Politics of the United States of America"},{"value":"KHT103","label":"KHT103 - Reproductive Physiology and Technology"},{"value":"PSC311","label":"PSC311 - Stress Management"},{"value":"HKD 101","label":"HKD 101 - Introduction to Indonesian Law"},{"value":"SOK266","label":"SOK266 - Media and Migration"},{"value":"HKN 101","label":"HKN 101 - Constitutional Law"},{"value":"HKT 103","label":"HKT 103 - Islamic Law"},{"value":"HKT 200","label":"HKT 200 - Law of Obligations"},{"value":"HKI 306","label":"HKI 306 - International Humanitarian Law"},{"value":"HKI 308","label":"HKI 308 - Drafting on International Treaty"},{"value":"HKT 206","label":"HKT 206 - Inheritance Law (Adat, Islam, Burgerlijk Wetboek)"},{"value":"HKP 203","label":"HKP 203 - Crime Against Life and Property"},{"value":"KHB401","label":"KHB401 - General Veterinary Surgery Science"},{"value":"HKI 409","label":"HKI 409 - Nuclear Law"},{"value":"HKI 417","label":"HKI 417 - Air and Space Law"},{"value":"HKD107","label":"HKD107 - Introduction to Jurisprudence"},{"value":"HKI101","label":"HKI101 - International Law"},{"value":"BAE315","label":"BAE315 - Pop Culture"},{"value":"LIE405","label":"LIE405 - Language and Urban Society"},{"value":"BUK204","label":"BUK204 - Southeast Asian Studies"},{"value":"LIE402","label":"LIE402 - Computer-Assisted Language Learning"},{"value":"FLI202","label":"FLI202 - Archipelago Islamic Script"},{"value":"SSI307","label":"SSI307 - Prose Writing"}] {":t":"js: params.id_period"} No code
{{ errors[name][0] }}
course5 No -- NONE -- 495 No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranChoice [] app.models.AgeAmertaMatkul [{"value":"SOH222","label":"SOH222 - Society, Culture and Politics of Russia"},{"value":"SOK 405","label":"SOK 405 - Media and Consumer Culture"},{"value":"SOH221","label":"SOH221 - Society, Culture and Politics of the United States of America"},{"value":"KHT103","label":"KHT103 - Reproductive Physiology and Technology"},{"value":"PSC311","label":"PSC311 - Stress Management"},{"value":"HKD 101","label":"HKD 101 - Introduction to Indonesian Law"},{"value":"SOK266","label":"SOK266 - Media and Migration"},{"value":"HKN 101","label":"HKN 101 - Constitutional Law"},{"value":"HKT 103","label":"HKT 103 - Islamic Law"},{"value":"HKT 200","label":"HKT 200 - Law of Obligations"},{"value":"HKI 306","label":"HKI 306 - International Humanitarian Law"},{"value":"HKI 308","label":"HKI 308 - Drafting on International Treaty"},{"value":"HKT 206","label":"HKT 206 - Inheritance Law (Adat, Islam, Burgerlijk Wetboek)"},{"value":"HKP 203","label":"HKP 203 - Crime Against Life and Property"},{"value":"KHB401","label":"KHB401 - General Veterinary Surgery Science"},{"value":"HKI 409","label":"HKI 409 - Nuclear Law"},{"value":"HKI 417","label":"HKI 417 - Air and Space Law"},{"value":"HKD107","label":"HKD107 - Introduction to Jurisprudence"},{"value":"HKI101","label":"HKI101 - International Law"},{"value":"BAE315","label":"BAE315 - Pop Culture"},{"value":"LIE405","label":"LIE405 - Language and Urban Society"},{"value":"BUK204","label":"BUK204 - Southeast Asian Studies"},{"value":"LIE402","label":"LIE402 - Computer-Assisted Language Learning"},{"value":"FLI202","label":"FLI202 - Archipelago Islamic Script"},{"value":"SSI307","label":"SSI307 - Prose Writing"}] {":t":"js: params.id_period"} No code
{{ errors[name][0] }}
course6 No -- NONE -- 495 No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranChoice [] app.models.AgeAmertaMatkul [{"value":"SOH222","label":"SOH222 - Society, Culture and Politics of Russia"},{"value":"SOK 405","label":"SOK 405 - Media and Consumer Culture"},{"value":"SOH221","label":"SOH221 - Society, Culture and Politics of the United States of America"},{"value":"KHT103","label":"KHT103 - Reproductive Physiology and Technology"},{"value":"PSC311","label":"PSC311 - Stress Management"},{"value":"HKD 101","label":"HKD 101 - Introduction to Indonesian Law"},{"value":"SOK266","label":"SOK266 - Media and Migration"},{"value":"HKN 101","label":"HKN 101 - Constitutional Law"},{"value":"HKT 103","label":"HKT 103 - Islamic Law"},{"value":"HKT 200","label":"HKT 200 - Law of Obligations"},{"value":"HKI 306","label":"HKI 306 - International Humanitarian Law"},{"value":"HKI 308","label":"HKI 308 - Drafting on International Treaty"},{"value":"HKT 206","label":"HKT 206 - Inheritance Law (Adat, Islam, Burgerlijk Wetboek)"},{"value":"HKP 203","label":"HKP 203 - Crime Against Life and Property"},{"value":"KHB401","label":"KHB401 - General Veterinary Surgery Science"},{"value":"HKI 409","label":"HKI 409 - Nuclear Law"},{"value":"HKI 417","label":"HKI 417 - Air and Space Law"},{"value":"HKD107","label":"HKD107 - Introduction to Jurisprudence"},{"value":"HKI101","label":"HKI101 - International Law"},{"value":"BAE315","label":"BAE315 - Pop Culture"},{"value":"LIE405","label":"LIE405 - Language and Urban Society"},{"value":"BUK204","label":"BUK204 - Southeast Asian Studies"},{"value":"LIE402","label":"LIE402 - Computer-Assisted Language Learning"},{"value":"FLI202","label":"FLI202 - Archipelago Islamic Script"},{"value":"SSI307","label":"SSI307 - Prose Writing"}] {":t":"js: params.id_period"} No code
{{ errors[name][0] }}
course7 No -- NONE -- 495 No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranChoice [] app.models.AgeAmertaMatkul [{"value":"SOH222","label":"SOH222 - Society, Culture and Politics of Russia"},{"value":"SOK 405","label":"SOK 405 - Media and Consumer Culture"},{"value":"SOH221","label":"SOH221 - Society, Culture and Politics of the United States of America"},{"value":"KHT103","label":"KHT103 - Reproductive Physiology and Technology"},{"value":"PSC311","label":"PSC311 - Stress Management"},{"value":"HKD 101","label":"HKD 101 - Introduction to Indonesian Law"},{"value":"SOK266","label":"SOK266 - Media and Migration"},{"value":"HKN 101","label":"HKN 101 - Constitutional Law"},{"value":"HKT 103","label":"HKT 103 - Islamic Law"},{"value":"HKT 200","label":"HKT 200 - Law of Obligations"},{"value":"HKI 306","label":"HKI 306 - International Humanitarian Law"},{"value":"HKI 308","label":"HKI 308 - Drafting on International Treaty"},{"value":"HKT 206","label":"HKT 206 - Inheritance Law (Adat, Islam, Burgerlijk Wetboek)"},{"value":"HKP 203","label":"HKP 203 - Crime Against Life and Property"},{"value":"KHB401","label":"KHB401 - General Veterinary Surgery Science"},{"value":"HKI 409","label":"HKI 409 - Nuclear Law"},{"value":"HKI 417","label":"HKI 417 - Air and Space Law"},{"value":"HKD107","label":"HKD107 - Introduction to Jurisprudence"},{"value":"HKI101","label":"HKI101 - International Law"},{"value":"BAE315","label":"BAE315 - Pop Culture"},{"value":"LIE405","label":"LIE405 - Language and Urban Society"},{"value":"BUK204","label":"BUK204 - Southeast Asian Studies"},{"value":"LIE402","label":"LIE402 - Computer-Assisted Language Learning"},{"value":"FLI202","label":"FLI202 - Archipelago Islamic Script"},{"value":"SSI307","label":"SSI307 - Prose Writing"}] {":t":"js: params.id_period"} No code
{{ errors[name][0] }}
taken_indo PendaftaranChoice {"ng-if":"params.type=='amerta'","class":"form-group form-group-sm ","ng-model":"model['taken_indo']"} Yes No
{{ errors[name][0]}}
take_indo PendaftaranChoice {"ng-if":"params.type=='amerta'","class":"form-group form-group-sm ","ng-model":"model['take_indo']"} Yes No
{{ errors[name][0]}}
attachments [] multi [] PendaftaranAmerta []
cmVwbw== null studentcard Upload + Download {"ng-if":"params.type=='amerta-ua'","class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['studentcard']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null passport Upload + Download {"ng-if":"params.type!='amerta-ua'","class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['passport']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null photo Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['photo']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null transcript Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['transcript']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null letter_recom Upload + Download {"ng-if":"params.type=='amerta'","class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['letter_recom']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null english_certificate Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['english_certificate']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null cv Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['cv']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null motivation_letter Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['motivation_letter']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
jpg, pdf, doc, docx cmVwbw== null research_proposal Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['research_proposal']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
concern [] multi [] PendaftaranAmerta []
pdf cmVwbw== null uploadFile1 Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm ","ng-model":"model['uploadFile1']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranConcern Yes Yes 10000
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
source No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranConcern first N N {"Website":"Website","Instagram":"Instagram","Facebook":"Facebook","Twitter":"Twitter","Home University":"Home University","Ads":"Ads","Airlangga Hubs":"Airlangga Hubs"}
{{ errors[name][0]}}

I hereby declare that the information provided in this application is correct and complete. Any provision of inaccurate or false information or omission of information will render this application invalid and that, if selected on the basis of such information, i can be required to withdraw from the LINGUA Program and reimburse and funds provided or expended on my behalf.

I authorize the Universities/Institutions to obtain official records, if necessary, from any educational institution attended by me. I am medically fit and free from any medical problem that may affect my studies

PendaftaranConcern concern1 Default "" [{"text":"Yes, I agree","value":"Y"}] null
{{ errors[name][0] }}

I also give my consent to Universitas Airlangga and its affiliates to use my image and likeness and/or any interview statements from me in its publications, advertising or other media activities (including the internet). This consent includes, but not limited to : (a) Permission to interview, film, photograph, tape, or otherwise make a video reproduction of me and/or record my voice; (b) Permission to use my name; (c) Permission to use quotes from the interview(s) (or excerpts of such quotes), the film, photograph(s), tape(s) or reproduction(s) of me, and/or recording of my voice, in part or in whole, in ints publications, in newspapers, magazines and other print media, on television, radio and electronic media (including the Internet), in theatrical media and/or in mailings for educational purposes; and (d) Permission to edit and/or redact said materials accordingly, prior to publications. This consent is given in perpetuity, and does not require prior approval by me.

PendaftaranConcern concern2 Default "" [{"text":"Yes, I agree","value":"Y"}] null
{{ errors[name][0] }}

If admitted, I agree to comply with the rules and regulations of Universitas Airlangga. I understand that the committee at Universitas Airlangga will decide which applications are successful for the LINGUA Program and its decision is final. By submitting my full name below, I acknowledge the condition mentioned above

PendaftaranConcern concern3 Default "" [{"text":"Yes, I agree","value":"Y"}] null
{{ errors[name][0] }}
LinguaPreform [] multi [] AppPendaftaranInbound {"ng-if":"model.step=='pre' && params.type=='lingua'"}

email app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranPreform [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
secondary_email app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranPreform [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
selected_program No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranPreform first N N {"AMERTA":"AMERTA","AMERTA MASTER":"AMERTA MASTER"}
{{ errors[name][0]}}
mobility No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranPreform first N N {"vm":"Virtual Mobility","pm":"Physical Mobility"}
{{ errors[name][0]}}
Students who have a plan to apply for one academic year (2 semesters) need to re-submit the application for the next semester
LinguaForm [] multi [] AppPendaftaranInbound {"ng-if":"model.step=='register' && params.type=='lingua'"}
Personal Information
personal [] multi [] PendaftaranLingua []
fullname app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
firstname app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
lastname app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
sex No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo first N N {"F":"Female","M":"Male","N":"Prefer Not to Say"}
{{ errors[name][0]}}
pob app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
dob PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo date Yes {"show-weeks":"false"}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
nationality app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
passport_number app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
passport_date_issue PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo date Yes {"show-weeks":"false"}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
passport_date_exp PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo date Yes {"show-weeks":"false"}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
issuing_authority app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
telephone app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
phone app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguPersonalInfo [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
Particulars of Next-of-Kin
(OFFLINE PROGRAM ONLY) In case of emergency, we will contact the person mentioned below.

kin [] multi [] PendaftaranLingua []
kin_name app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaKin [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
kin_relation app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaKin [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
kin_email app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaKin [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
kin_telephone app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaKin [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
kin_phone app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaKin [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
Educational Qualification
education [] multi [] PendaftaranLingua []
university app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
degree app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
major app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaEducation [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
Details of The Contact Person at Home University
pic [] multi [] PendaftaranLingua []
pic_name app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaPic [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
pic_position app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaPic [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
pic_email app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaPic [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
pic_telephone app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaPic [] []
{{ errors[name][0]}}
{{ errors[name][0] }}
Choice of Subjects
subject [] multi [] PendaftaranLingua []
taken_indo true PendaftaranLinguaChoice {"class":"form-group form-group-sm ","ng-model":"model['taken_indo']"} Yes No
{{ errors[name][0]}}
joined_lingua No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranLinguaChoice first N N {"a1":"Yes, I joined LINGUA A1 class last semester","a2":"Yes, I joined LINGUA A2 class last semester","b1":"Yes, I joined LINGUA B1 class last semester","b2":"Yes, I joined LINGUA B2 class last semester","no":"No, i have not"}
{{ errors[name][0]}}
attachments [] multi [] PendaftaranLingua []
cmVwbw== null studentcard Upload + Download {"ng-if":"params.type=='amerta-ua'","class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['studentcard']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null passport Upload + Download {"ng-if":"params.type!='amerta-ua'","class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['passport']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null photo Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['photo']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null transcript Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['transcript']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null letter_recom Upload + Download {"ng-if":"params.type=='amerta'","class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['letter_recom']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null english_certificate Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['english_certificate']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null cv Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['cv']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
cmVwbw== null motivation_letter Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['motivation_letter']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
jpg, pdf, doc, docx cmVwbw== null research_proposal Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm form-vertical ","ng-model":"model['research_proposal']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranAttachment Yes Yes
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
declaration [] multi [] PendaftaranLingua []
pdf cmVwbw== null uploadFile1 Upload + Download {"class":"form-group form-group-sm ","ng-model":"model['uploadFile1']","style":"min-width:275px;"} webroot.app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranConcern Yes Yes 10000
Browse Repository
Uploading {{progress}}%
Choose File
{{ json}}
— {{ !loading ? 'EMPTY' : 'LOADING' }} —
{{ errors[name][0]}}
source No No Lainnya app.modules.pendaftaran.forms.PendaftaranConcern first N N {"Website":"Website","Instagram":"Instagram","Facebook":"Facebook","Twitter":"Twitter","Home University":"Home University","Ads":"Ads","Airlangga Hubs":"Airlangga Hubs"}
{{ errors[name][0]}}

I hereby declare that the information provided in this application is correct and complete. Any provision of inaccurate or false information or omission of information will render this application invalid and that, if selected on the basis of such information, i can be required to withdraw from the LINGUA Program and reimburse and funds provided or expended on my behalf.

I authorize the Universities/Institutions to obtain official records, if necessary, from any educational institution attended by me. I am medically fit and free from any medical problem that may affect my studies

PendaftaranConcern concern1 Default "" [{"text":"Yes, I agree","value":"Y"}] null
{{ errors[name][0] }}

I also give my consent to Universitas Airlangga and its affiliates to use my image and likeness and/or any interview statements from me in its publications, advertising or other media activities (including the internet). This consent includes, but not limited to : (a) Permission to interview, film, photograph, tape, or otherwise make a video reproduction of me and/or record my voice; (b) Permission to use my name; (c) Permission to use quotes from the interview(s) (or excerpts of such quotes), the film, photograph(s), tape(s) or reproduction(s) of me, and/or recording of my voice, in part or in whole, in ints publications, in newspapers, magazines and other print media, on television, radio and electronic media (including the Internet), in theatrical media and/or in mailings for educational purposes; and (d) Permission to edit and/or redact said materials accordingly, prior to publications. This consent is given in perpetuity, and does not require prior approval by me.

PendaftaranConcern concern2 Default "" [{"text":"Yes, I agree","value":"Y"}] null
{{ errors[name][0] }}

If admitted, I agree to comply with the rules and regulations of Universitas Airlangga. I understand that the committee at Universitas Airlangga will decide which applications are successful for the LINGUA Program and its decision is final. By submitting my full name below, I acknowledge the condition mentioned above

PendaftaranConcern concern3 Default "" [{"text":"Yes, I agree","value":"Y"}] null
{{ errors[name][0] }}